1. Introduction
I’ve seen a lot of clamor over trying to “ace” interviews for software engineering positions. While interviews can definitely go well and poorly, there generally isn’t a prescribed “right way” to do something. In this article, we’ll cover how interviews are put together, and what they target. We’ll identify objectively “bad” interviews, and we’ll describe how good interviews work.
2. Who Puts Together Interviews
Interviews are generally put together by a team lead. Higher-ups want to give teams the agency for teams to do the filtering they want, so they stay out of that process. I’ve seen some interview processes where higher-ups get involved in a “meet and greet” fashion, so in a sense they retain some kind of veto power. “Boss is an institution of mistrust”. It makes them feel better. Let them have it.
Team leads almost universally share some qualities which impacts how interviews are structured and conducted:
2.1. Team Leads are Perpetually Behind
If a team lead isn’t fighting to keep down tech debt in their own project, then they are inherently allowing that tech debt to run its course through the software. Fighting for tech debt usually means either they are spending a lot of time helping with tech debt or they are buried in deliverables because they spent a lot of time on that tech debt. In either case, the team lead runs around like a ferret on amphetamines, trying to quickly resolve what they can before moving onto the next thing.
How this comes out in interviews is that team leads will borrow other interview material, or be quick to reuse or adapt some other material. They don’t need something perfect, they just need something close enough.
2.2. Team Leads Want Thinkers
This is fairly universal: Team leads want good thinkers on their teams. I have seen managers that want warm bodies - butts in seats which is about as close to the archaic measurement of “lines of code” delivered per day. You aren’t a warm body, so you’ll naturally repel anyone who is looking for them.
It’s a human bias that team leads want someone like themselves: Folks who can think through a problem and be able to solve it with some amount of autonomy, and arrive at that solution in a way they find tolerable if not agreeable.
The leads who want thinkers will try to tailor their interviews in ways that make you think. We’ll go into what that looks like in a bit.
2.3. Team Leads are Tired of Cleaning up Messes
Every team lead is running around frantically trying to put out fires, meet deadlines, and keep the software from imploding on itself like a neutron star that’s growing just a little too heavy.
Cleaning up messes that didn’t need to be there in the first place is one of the constant slights a team lead must endure, and they will use whatever agency they have to minimize that. In an interview context that means filtering out people who leave messes to clean up later, innocently believing that they are doing the right thing.
I find everyone wants “quality code” (or more accurately but not stated as such: quality work). As an industry we struggle to agree on these things sometimes. That’s okay. The interviewer wants to make sure you’re a good fit for them just as you’re (hopefully) trying to make sure they’re a good fit for you.
3. The Goals of Interview Challenges
By “challenges”, I mean programming exercises, questions, etc. They might not all be asking for emissions of code per se, but these are any sort of prompts which are looking to tease out technical aptitude.
3.1. Does the Résumé Match
A lot of résumés will have “proficiency with <tool>” and similar statements. Similarly, there might be experience implied from various accomplishments on the résumé. Interviewers generally have an idea that we’re all required to put these buzzword lists on our résumés so we can survive past the initial screens conducted by the uninitiated. The lead said “I need people with some JavaScript experience”, and résumés stating “I did some JS a while ago, and while I’m confident I can get back into it quickly, I honestly haven’t had a lot of recent practice with it” get culled by screeners. Sadly, it’s also because some folks really have inflated ideas of what “proficient” really means for a tool, and it will differ greatly from what the interviewer considers proficient.
So an interview may be designed to tease out proficiency in things you already said or demonstrated you are proficient in. Sometimes this means some simple tasks. Things where it might seem like there’s a trick question laying in the thick somewhere. And, to be fair, there might be. But regardless, this is going to be a part of the challenges. Do you know some of the jargon, pitfalls, hardships, or subtleties of the topic? They’ll be gunning for that. I wouldn’t worry about this too much. It doesn’t hurt to remind the interviewer that you’re 30 seconds of Googling to figuring out some of those silly API related questions that are right out of technical documentation. I’ve literally said in an interview “I don’t know how to do that readily, but I know it can be done and I could look up it up a minute. That said, I would want to see some good justification of why we’d be doing <hacky thing>.” The interview wrapped up right then and there and I got a job offer as a Angular.JS guru.
I’ve definitely encountered individuals who have made some steep claims of being “familiar” with various technologies, but clearly don’t know how to use them. A recent example was being “very familiar” with Docker, but not knowing how simple shell scripts work - which is an underlying necessity of all but the most trivial usage of Docker. It’s okay to not know things, but when you encounter someone like this in the workplace, you end up doing a lot of their job for them. It’s best to know up front if you’re signing up for this kind of work, or signing your team up for it. I want to stress this again though: It’s really okay to not know things.
As an interviewer I ideally want to find the boundaries of your knowledge on the topic. Do you have passing familiarity? Have you used this tool in anger yet? What sort of pitfalls have you encountered and how did you overcome them? What would you do differently if you had to do it again? But also there will be targeted questions. For a coding challenge I had to conduct using coinage, I frequently asked why used floating point numbers for money. I never really got an answer. Okay fair - as someone working in web that probably doesn’t come up much, but I’d hope senior level interviewees could tell me something about it. If you’re making database skins at the senior level, you should have a decent idea of how to handle money safely. The one interviewee I had that didn’t use floating point numbers got asked why he didn’t use them - ha! There’s no escape, you see.
3.2. How Does the Interviewee Solve Problems
One of my favorite examples of this kind of goal is an incredibly thoughtful yet non-technical thought experiment:
You drop a bowling ball from the surface of the ocean. How long does it take to reach the bottom?
That’s really all you get for info. Yes, you’re expected to ask questions about this to gain more information. Is this comprehensive? Hardly. But it gets you thinking about what exactly governs a bowling ball sinking into a massive body of water. There’s absolutely a wrong answer to this, and it’s “3 hours, did I get it right?” - which I guess is an answer actually given once. The exercise is designed to tease apart your approach to the problem. How did you break it down? What did you give consideration to? What questions did you ask?
Most of the time, you’ll get one of these challenges but it will be wrapped in some kind of contrived problem. FizzBuzz is a common challenge, but there are many like it. Interviewers will try to put together one you’ve never encountered before and guard it closely. Out of respect, I’m not posting some of the good ones I know on such a public place. The whole point is to make you struggle. If you know the answer, then there’s no thinking done: It’s just recollection. If you don’t know the answer, then you have to go into the process of breaking down the problem and providing a solution.
The “how” of this process is far more important than the fact that you actually got it done. Sure, completing the challenge is a data point, but it’s one among many. As an interviewer I have suggested we move forward with candidates who have failed to complete the challenge in time, and suggested we passed on candidates who completed the challenge successfully. Without having direct recollection of these events, I can tell you right now what happened: The candidate I recommended got tied up on some silly thing that we always encounter in the real workplace (it was actually the floating point thing I mentioned earlier), and would’ve eventually figured it out if given another hour or two. We spoke about how the program would continue to develop and they gave great answers. Plus the process they’d already invested showed good thinking and breaking down of the problem. The candidate I passed on pretty much sat there silently and just typed stuff until it worked. They “aced” the interview. But I learned nothing of them in the process, and so I passed on them. I expect other interviewers to conduct themselves similarly.
3.3. Huge Bonus Points for Quality Work
I’ve seen people write tests in their interview challenges - at least for the ones where they had an editor and some time to work on the problem. I haven’t typically done these in mine because time is at too much of a premium. Interviewers will ask at the end of the challenge what you’d have done differently. This is your chance to talk about the things you’d imagine going into a real application. So even if you didn’t do quality work up front, or had some part of the code where things got messy because you were moving fast in a high pressure interview environment, you’re still able to show where your values are. If anything, I think it speaks to a candidate that they know when to do quick-n-dirty but still know how to do it “well” when the pace is more relaxed. If your interview challenge has a bunch of tests with no backing implementation by the end of the time allotment, that would be a poor showing to me. I know other interviewers are totally fine with that though. I don’t think I’d pass on a candidate strictly for that, to be fair.
4. Interviewing is Messy and Highly Inaccurate
Interviewers know that the real value an employee delivers on the job can take weeks to truly manifest in some palpable way. Even conducting an 8 hour interview (as unethical as that is) is won’t get answers that speak to your qualities as a software engineer.
Because answers can be shared (some folks will put their submissions on github, and others find it and plagiarize or use it to prep), this process is never going to be non-subjective. There’s been attempts at standardized interviewing (I’ll dig up some links at some point, but email me if you have some of your own), but I haven’t seen these stick yet.
I think if we could, we would love something equivalent to blind auditions in the music industry. It’s well documented how this process helps with diversity and focuses getting the quality people you need. But we don’t have that. Whoever is able to one day solve that problem will become a big name in the industry (think LinkedIn, Twitter, Google, Github, etc).
5. Bad Interviews
Sometimes you’ll wind up in bad interviews. Some folks get put into the position of having to conduct interviews without having a good sense of what they need, or they don’t realize they are filtering for people who are good at interviewing. Here’s some objectively bad interview practices:
5.1. Queries for Tool Knowledge
Tools come and go. The tool you dearly covet today - what is it? React? Express? Perhaps something else? There’s a good chance that in 5 years, it’ll have joined the world of legacy-only usage. Software that still see use today, but whose foundational tools few or none are spinning up new projects for. The industry has moved on, and these projects are left behind for others to maintain. Lots of stuff survives for 5 years, but 10? 15? The longer it goes, the more likely it joins that retirement home of tools. There was saying “Nobody got fired for picking Java”. Do you think that still holds true for today?
Trying to grill a candidate on tool knowledge is a terrible practice for a few reasons: Generally these questions can be answered from 30 seconds of Googling. Tools might seem like a big struggle when you’re new to the industry, but they come and go so much. Any interviewer worth their salt is going to want someone who is skilled and has the capability to learn. Bonus points if you already know the tools.
There are exceptions: Interviewers will settle for candidates that know a tool over having better general skills because they just need to get some work done in a particular area. They might need a “guru” for a particular tool, which they expect will distill knowledge about that tool to the rest of the team or help them out in a tricky spot they are in. I assume you’re reading this because you’re not really a guru in anything yet - a normal state to be in!
5.2. Trying to Find a Clone
5.3. Assuming Significant Interview Time
6. How to Present Your Best
Making you a better candidate is beyond the scope of this post. It’s also very subjective. That said, you can present yourself to the interviewer so they get an idea as best they can.
6.1. Talk Through What You’re Doing During Challenges
This is #1 and for good reason. Tell me what you’re thinking as you do the challenge. It doesn’t matter if it sounds stupid. The interviewer designed this specifically for you to stumble with it. Stumbling is part of the process to real problem solving. Most ideas don’t actually gestate very well and that’s where majority of the cost of problem solving goes.
Specifically what I want to hear you thinking about is the problem. I can see
that you’re writing a for
loop or declaring a variable, so those aren’t
particularly useful. Though I’d prefer you talk about your for
loops if it
means I get to hear the juicy stuff. Sometimes talking about programming
constructs is important. Why did you pick a for
loop instead of using another
construct like map
or reduce
? There could be some good tidbits in there.
Regarding talking about things: It would even be valid to say something like
“I’m using a for
loop here because I’m familiar enough with older JavaScript
to do that. I know there’s map
but I’m skipping it to get through this
exercise”. This tells me that you value map
. It tells me that you’re taking
shortcuts because it’s an interview and you’d like to complete it, but you know
there’s better ways to do it. It tells me you are aware your knowledge of
JavaScript is old and therefore you’ll need to tread slowly for a while until
you acclimatize to the new stuff. It even tells me as the interviewer that I
should be ready to nudge you or help you past some gotchas with modern
JavaScript. I don’t want to see you struggle with that - in fact we just
established that you’re doing an old style because you literally just said
that. I have the information I need regarding your current-ness.
If you find yourself seizing up during this process, go desensitize yourself to it. Have a friend or someone of technical skill sit there and listen to you as you go through one of the many free code-challenge suites out there. 30 seconds without saying anything is too long of silence.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and mention this - I believe, at least by American culture, that women are largely discouraged from showing their abilities in any sort of public settings. I wasn’t raised as a woman, so it’s hard for me to point a finger at exactly what the cause is there. Though women have agreed with me that it is a real thing. If this is you, be aware of this bias and work to shake it. Unfortunately the industry isn’t going to accommodate you well here, and this is one of those places where you just have to do what everyone else does but it’s harder. Desensitizing yourself to it is the only thing I can think of. Alternatively, I’ve seen a lot of women thriving in positions where their work isn’t public - or at least whatever it is they directly emit. Whatever works for you! Personally, I think the best defense against scrutiny for you will always be to just keep putting your stuff out there until you’ve truly internalized that we’re all fumbling around in the dark.
6.2. Be Painfully Blunt About What You Don’t Know
This is kind of related to the dunning kruger effect - which is that experienced or “wise” people tend to express themselves less confidently and the inexperienced tend to express themselves very confidently. You might not be experienced yet and that’s okay. But regardless if you get asked something about stuff you don’t know, you should quickly say you don’t know. Practice it with friends or something.
I have a friend who has risen to much higher places in the career chain with me, and he says his interview style is “I try to convince them not to hire me”, which is kind of his odd way of saying he admits his weaknesses and lack of knowledge readily.
You can try to take a guess. “I don’t know for sure but if I had to guess…” but do keep in mind this is perilous. I’ve had an interviewee do this once and it revealed an extreme level of ignorance on the topic. It’s likely that interviewee wasn’t going to get the position anyways. Just be really careful about talking about things you literally don’t know anything about. Perhaps a better approach would be to ask about it. Interviewers love to talk about their stuff so this isn’t a big ask at all.
But above all else, “I don’t know” is one of your best phrases you can use in an interview.
6.3. Ask the Interviewer What They Want to See
Here’s a few questions you can crib from this post:
Do you want to see tests or feel we have time for them?
Would you like me to push this to a git repository?
I’ve seen this one:
Can I assume valid input?
Though to be honest I don’t like it. It tells me you have a gated-community mindset when it comes to software engineering. A lot of people are okay with this though - just be in mind that it says something about you too. I just don’t assume valid input.
6.4. Interview Them Back
Interviews go both ways. I try to keep the interview about 50% of me, and 50% of them.
When is the last time you worked a late evening or into a weekend?
I highly value sustainable pace, so this one comes up a lot. One place I worked at where the pace was not sustainable for me was one where I’d made the mistake of not asking this question.
Directly engaging with the material, even asking questions as if you have already landed the job can be a very powerful thing. Questions such as these can help put you in that place:
What sort of challenges does your team encounter with the product/tools/tech/suite?
What’s a typical day in office look like for a typical team member?
Do you have a particular section or set of tasks you would like me to be working on?
6.5. Put Your Best Foot Forward
I know people who dropped F-bombs in interviews and still go the position. Getting really informal won’t always count against you, but being formal will never count against you. Being informal has a tendency to also stray into the unprofessional territory, or even bad enough to be a walking HR time bomb. I don’t want coworkers that I need to shield from external or select team members - that’s work for me. Additionally it communicates that if you can’t act like an adult for a couple of hours then you likely won’t act like an adult when things get difficult.
I have worn a suit and tie into an interview and was laughed at about it. I’ve done that at a few places, but most of the time I’ll make sure I’m in some sort of collared shirt and pants. Even if I’m meeting virtually, I would wear that collar. I’d be more lax about this if they knew I was stepping away from lunch at my current job to meet up (informally or for an interview).
Don’t get me wrong - you don’t have to be an emotionless robot. I’ve asked my interviewers if they were Horde or Alliance (a World of Warcraft reference) - and was offered the position. I forgot what gave me the knowledge that they played, but it helped I think.
Do not stray into politics or religion (unless that religion is Emacs). Do not joke about the initialism for Bitbucket Cloud.
7. For Entry Level Engineers
You will come off as a steal if you can demonstrate the following:
- Basic
usage. Commit, push, pull, clone, switch branches, merge (I wouldn’t stress conflict resolution, but huge points if you can swing it). Even outside of the world of database skins, everyone is usinggit
or a tool that serves a similar purpose. - Know the syntax well for one language - preferably the one you studied the
most for. This may not match up with the position. It’s worrisome if you
know 25% of several various languages. It makes me wonder whether or not you
really learned how to do software engineering. To be clear here: The syntax
is the glyphs and structure of the code. The keywords like
, etc. - Know how to manipulate basic data structures in your most studied language. You should be able to manipulate lists, queues, and stacks. You don’t have to be a guru with data structures and algorithms.
- Make sure you can write a program that actually does something. If you’ve not done this yet, you really need to. It will be hard and take a lot of time, but it will really help you grow and make sure you “get it”.
- Be able to write a program that works on the command line. I’ve seen a lot of new blood spending a lot of time in the area of the database skin (so React, Express, etc) and when asked to write a command line program they fled in terror. There’s a really good chance that an interview won’t use database skin technology at all, even if that’s what you’re applying for. It also is so helpful for writing demos, demonstrating some knowledge of the command line itself (even if it’s very basic), and much documentation and examples expect you to be familiar with putting together basic command line programs. I do have a sort of primer on command line programs you’re free to check out - though it covers way more than what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about the simplest of programs here.
8. “Aced” it, but Didn’t Get the Job
You might do everything well in an interview and still not get the job. It might have even gone swimmingly.
8.1. The Interviewer Might Have Been Vetoed
As an interviewer, I’ve had candidates I really wanted us to snag because I thought they were great. Management didn’t take my recommendation (which is their prerogative) and passed on the candidate.
A team member can sometimes also produce a veto. One of the reasons candidates meet the entire team is so people get a “vibe”. While this interview process runs very counter to having a richly diverse set of employees, many places practice it to this day. Indeed, it’s a common management practice to take many steps to make employees feel “heard”. One way to do that is give them input on who is hired. On its base value, it makes a kind of sense: Nobody wants to work with an asshole, and if you met a candidate that was later hired and you didn’t speak up then, then you’re just as surprised as everyone else about any asshole-ness that is experienced later.
8.2. There Might Have Been a Better Candidate
You might’ve been a 96% match during your interview and the other person was 97%. It might’ve been decided by something totally out of your control, and in fact if you felt like the interview went well, it probably was out of your control. You could spend a bunch of time second guessing everything like hiccup you had, but that’s both counterproductive and probably wrong.
How hiring typically works is an organization will have approved the budget for a particular level of engineer to come on board. They’ve already picked the salary range and the number of positions they are willing to hire. So in that sense for that position it really is a zero sum game. I suppose it’s possible for “opportunity hires” to take place, but nobody can cut blank checks so I expect this to be virtually non-existent.
The best thing to do here is just move on, and maybe consider re-applying to this place later, or even applying to another position at the same workplace. Many places encourage this, though I haven’t seen them do much to facilitate it.
My message to interviewers that encourage re-applying to different positions: If you want people to re-apply because you want their talent, be sure to follow up with them instead of making them do it! Don’t forget that candidates oftentimes have other places they’ve already applied to and it’s usually just as much energy to apply again to your workplace as it is to apply to another. You’ve already turned them down once, so if anything you now require more energy to apply to than any other random job. I’ve straight up given up on places because it placed this kind of onus on me. I wanted a new job in software engineering, not a job in applying jobs ;)