1. Introduction

This is to provide a detailed checklist on what makes for a good command line program.

The quick list:

  1. Provide usage information.
  2. Output parse-able output to stdout.
  3. Output logging to stderr.
  4. Have a --help that describes basic usage and general purpose.
  5. Use exit code 0 for expected results, and positive, non-zero exit codes for unexpected results.

2. Disclaimer

You can always view my résumé here on the blog. From that you can infer a lot about my experience and things I’ve done. I don’t wish to appeal to authority, but having some experience in the field should amount to something. I deal with this stuff on a day to day basis, and from that I’ve learned some things. You can decide for yourself if it’s poorly acquired trauma or wisdom that comes with age.

I tend to examine “standards” with high levels of scrutiny, as they can be put together by almost anyone with vast quantities of spare time and an unhealthy addiction to work. I hope my work here is placed under similar scrutiny. Bad ideas should perish and good ideas should thrive. Of course, the real world contains a lot of nuance. I find it best to know what the ideal course is, and then deviate as needs dictate.

You will not gain my support by quoting my words as truth. But use this to be inspired to pitch your own arguments and form your own ideas.

In short: I know some things. I think to think for myself. So should you, including scrutinizing anything I emit.

3. Help and Usage

The Agile Manifesto tells us to favor “working software over comprehensive documentation”, but I find this akin to waiting until someone falls in a hole and dies before you decide to put up a sign that there’s a hole where one could fall in and die.

Providing a help/usage information for your program is a must-have. Even simplistic programs should provide a brief description of what they do and any arguments they expect. The program must provide this information, not your code (though that has incredible merit as well).

When a program isn’t provided the information it needs, the minimal operation is to display the usage information and quit with a non-zero exit code.

The usage information itself describes the arguments available, order (if applicable), required arguments vs. optional, and if the argument can be repeated (such as file names).

IEEE has a Utility Conventions document that covers a standard formatting convention to use. Most programs I’ve seen use this convention, and there’s not really a great reason to abandon it. Many command line argument libraries provide this usage information automatically, but the onus is always on the program maintainer to provide documentation as to the purpose of the arguments themselves.

Some programs can be very complicated and so require lots of explanations, examples, warnings, etc. This is where a manual page (or “man page”) comes in handy. I wouldn’t worry too much about the ancient troff format. Pandoc supports groff (GNU’s troff) and therefore can convert Markdown and Org-mode documents to man pages. Though I would check to make sure the output is rendered in a canonical fashion: There might be things in troff that a format like Markdown doesn’t represent well like glossary definitions, for example.

Your bare minimum can include the script name (which can typically be determined automatically), and any arguments you need.

Here’s an example of a bash script with zero arguments. You can use $0 to refer to the script itself, and subsequent numbers refer to the ordered arguments. So $1 is the first argument after the script name.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [[ $1 == '--help' || $1 == '-h' ]]; then
  echo "usage: $0

Frobnicates anything needing frobnication.
  exit 0

# The rest of the script goes below.

4. Logging and Output

Typically a lot of command line programs are rather silent - they don’t output much. It’s totally fine though to sprinkle logging throughout your program - in fact, for all but the most trivial programs I encourage this! But be sure to provide a distinction between logging and output.

The Unix philosopy has a lot of useful tidbits in it, but of particular note is this item:

Expect the output of every program to become the input to another, as yet unknown, program. Don’t clutter output with extraneous information. Avoid stringently columnar or binary input formats. Don’t insist on interactive input.

This flows into very practical advice for logging and your program output.

4.1. Logging and Log Levels

Logging is the program printing out diagnostic or progress information to the user. “Found file X”, “Calling server with $URL”, and “Server rejected our call with message…” are all great things to have in your logs. Logs should always go to stderr (standard error). Different languages tend to use different names for this. Ruby’s writing to stderr is called warn and Node.JS uses console.error. That said, it’s recommended to use a logger with log levels. This way you can distinguish apart messages for errors, general information, warnings, debugging statements, and so on. Most loggers can be configured to point at a particular destination. One of those can be whatever your languages uses for stderr, which is covered in your language’s documentation. Logging always goes to stderr so that other programs (usually shells) can use program output without having to be aware of any kind of logging. We’ll cover this more in 4.2.

Additionally for logging, this sort of information can be provided via arguments. I’ve seen --debug, --verbose, --info and other flags like this. I don’t prefer them because they are both subjective. I’ve seen a suite of programs inconsistently use --debug and --verbose for the same thing, for example. Additionally, if both --debug and --info arrive as a result of some automation gone wonky, what happens there? Does it log --debug? --info? Does your documentation state which one wins? Or do you put in login into the argument handling to make sure these are exclusive arguments? I really like how ssh handles it: There is a single short-hand -v argument for verbosity. You can dial up the verbosity with additional “v”s. So -vvv is the 3rd level of verbosity.

4.2. Output

Output should always be printed to stdout (apart from logging, which goes to stderr). This allows other programs (such as shells) to easily work with output. For example, curl uses this pattern to much obviousness:

 echo '* foo'
 curl -k --verbose --silent https://google.com > /dev/null

Here, you can see all of the verbose information that curl prints - headers in both the request and response, as well as the SSL handshake. We could redirect that to a saved file.

5. Exit Codes

Exit codes are unsigned 8 bit numbers (0-255). 0 is interpreted as success. Everything else is a failure. These are used to not only detect failures in a series of programs, but also determine what kind of failure.

nosuchcommand # Run a fake command to create a failure.

By default, shells will keep running commands regardless of failure. This can have poor consequences.

create-report-now-please my-report.rpt # Fake command. Will fail.
# my-report.rpt was never created by the time we get here. Since there are no
# reports, this publish-all-reports command could omit any errors since there
# are no reports found to publish, or perhaps it found some reports, but just
# not "my-report.rpt".

5.1. Standard Exit Codesarchive

I need to vet this before publishing it.

There are some standards for exit codes as well. The advanced Bash guide covers exit codes of reserved meaning in Bash. This is not quite the same as a standard for which all outcomes could be cataloged. Instead this gives us some predictable outcome.

While I have found many to find this kind of thing archaic. It’s not terribly different from how the vaunted HTTP standard works. HTTP codes rain cats and dogs from the standard.