Age of Golemancy


The era of golemancy details the extinction of all sapient life on the world of Dirshum, a fantasy world for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. In this world, all sapient species except humans have been destroyed by nearly invincible monsters. Only humans have survived, who exist in a single, underground city. Golems, the name given for the artificial super-humans, are the only thing holding back their demise.


Generations have passed since the world ended. We know a few things. Creatures appeared from what seemed out of no where - from the void itself perhaps. We dubbed them the Voidborn, for they did not speak. They simply attacked. They took the form of our monsters and other exotic creatures, but it was always easy to tell them apart. Their forms weren't consistent, and they moved with such direct purpose. Their bodies resisted all forms of attack. They swept our defenses aside like they were nothing.

Our strongest, bravest, and even the most sinister of us rose to fight against them. Whether fighting for themselves or for others, they could only best a few of the voidborn at a time, but their number is legion.

We lost the other nations and the humanoid species they hosted. The population decreased and with that the gods died. Our connection to the weave broke. We had even less to fight them with now.

Right when hope seemed completely lost, a breakthrough was made: Golems. Our artificers - golemancers specifically - had found a way to make golems fast, strong, durable, and with human cunning. Armed with weapons too powerful for the living to bear, they were able to claim victories against the voidborn. But we were still on the run.

The remainder of humanity fled to the underdark in hopes it would slow them down. Maybe it did, but the most important bit is we happened upon an abandoned dwarven city. We dubbed it the Light Hold, and there we dug in. Our artificers - golemancers, began creating golems en masse.

About 80 years has passed since that time. Most living inside the Light Hold have never been outside of it. Most have never roamed the world freely and experienced its wonders.

Humanity teeters on the brink of annihilation. Everything it does now, it does to survive. How far do you think they've taken it already?

Light Hold

The Light Hold is a repurposed dwarven city, deep underground. It is where all of humanity is huddled, waiting for the end. Through artifice, there is light, water, food, and sanitation. In many ways the life there is sterile. Living space is crammed, and there is huge economic disparity between elites and have-nots.

A human's day to day existence is fairly peaceful as long as they do their jobs and don't speak out against the system. Food is plentiful and cheap.

The Light Hold itself doesn't encounter attacks from the Voidborn. Most sorties happen far away from the Light Hold. A vast network of tunnels, many of which have dead ends, is perhaps its best defense. Squads of Golems, lead by Captains, patrol some of these tunnels to keep Voidborn from encroaching too close to the Light Hold.

To the Surface

Some tunnels end with a portal that can be used to reach other places in the world of Dirshum. While these portals generally deposit their contents somewhere else underground, these are short distances from the surface. These portals were setup during the third counter campaign. The campaign itself is considered largely a failure, but many portals are operational, even if they tend to not see much use.

Old World

Much of the old world is gone. There is recorded history on how things were, but it seems like a completely different world today.

Gods and Magic

Before the attack, the old world enjoyed the benefits of magic. Magic items were common and most peasants had more than one. They were volatile in a way, but they made life easier for many.

Most of the world's population was eradicated by the Voidborn. With few followers, the gods dwindled to nothingness. The gods were essential to holding the weave together. With them gone, it dried up immediately.

There was an upstart discipline know as Artifice, and it has grown significantly since then.


The monsters of the old world are gone. The Voidborn not only destroyed them but took their shape. Ordinary, non-magical creatures still roam the world, taking advantage of its vacancy. The Voidborn ignore these.


Artifice is the name given to a quasi magic, quasi technology that governs everything humanity uses to survive. This includes the Golems, the Casters they wield. It also includes trains, vehicles, communication devices, and more. Artifice is largely equivalent to our own, real world technology today.

A telltale marker of Artifice is gem stones of all colors and cuts, glows within them, and a large variety of metallic materials.


In the days of yore, golems were ponderous, mindless creatures that were created by wizards to guard something. That was using primitive, difficult to predict magic. Today there is artifice - a kind of technology that has a touch of the arcane without actually using the whimsy of magic itself. Through this, humanity was able to construct thinking creatures that look, feel, and act just like ordinary humans. Golems differ in that they are capable of extreme feats of physical prowess. They are just as strong, tough and fast as the voidborn. They possess human cunning. Like any technology, this has it trade-offs.

The Golem Mind

A Tenuous Grasp

Golems are imbued with a human brain. When a human dies, if the apparatus is available, their brains can be captured and then stored within the golem. Sometimes golems retain memories from their past, but these are largely lost in the process. This is typically due to the WISP, a safety system, that's also installed within them.

A golem is physically, mentally, and emotionally indistinguishable from a human, except for their physical feats they perform. Their sense of objective reality (termed cohesion) is critical for the proper operation of their bodies and their ability to perceive their surroundings, but this grasp is tenuous compared to their human counterparts.

A golem body doesn't have well defined boundaries - in fact current golemancy has done research on any sort of limit, and anything firmly tested has been surpassed in some way or another.

Include an exerpt from a military leader who is worried that golemancers don't
know the limits to their own creations.

When a golem performs feats that extreme even for golems, it threatens their sense of objective reality. This can be a runaway process, much like how an ordinary human handles extreme stress, but the results for a golem can be catastrophic.

A golem losing their cohesion results in a Mind Break. During a Mind Break, they can switch personalities completely (typically harmless), or become Mind Broken - a state where they turn on their allies.

Artificial Bodies

A golem's body is made of many exotic materials, but the primary and perhaps most critical material is Ebonyte. This gives golems their durability, strength, and the ability for golemancers to make the golems into very human seeming constructs.

Golems do not need to eat, sleep, or breathe. When golems skip these things though, they are forced to deal with the cognitive dissonance of being a human-like thing that isn't actually human.

The Cohesion System

Golems start with 5 Total Cohesion Points (TCP). This amount remains steady until a Trait or some other ability changes it. Golems also start with the same amount of Current Cohesion Points (CCP, or just CP) as their TCP. CP depletes when the golem performs certain golem tasks. Golems who reach 0 CP suffer a Mind Break. Cohesion can be recovered by partaking in typical human activities for a full day. This means eating, sleeping, and breathing. Acting "human" for a full day will regain 1 CP. Abilities the golem learns can provide alternatives to the recovery of their CP.

Certain kinds of trauma can cause a loss of CP or provoke a Cohesion check.

Any time a golem loses a CP, they must perform a Cohesion check. A Cohesion check is a simple roll of a d20. If the roll is 10 or above, the check is passed and nothing else happens. If the Cohesion check is failed, the golem loses 1 CP, and the golem is said to be experiencing a Cohesion Slip (sometimes called Cohesion Slipping).

While Cohesion Slipping, a golem must make a Cohesion check at the start of their turn until the check is passed. At this point the golem is no longer Cohesion Slipping.

However, only one Cohesion check can be taken per round. If multiple Cohesion checks are presented in the same round, they are ignored.

Melog the golem's allies are falling to their doom.  Melog decides to risk it
all to save them.  Melog spends a point of CP (5 down to 4) to perform the
[[Golem Surge]] "Hasted Clock".  Time slows to almost a stop.  Then Melog
spends another CP to sprout extra limbs to catch all of his falling companions
at once, and haul them to safety all in one motion (4 down to 3).

Both the Golem Surge and the extra limbs would cause a Cohesion check, but Melog
only needs to take one.

Melog takes the Cohesion check, and rolls an 8: a failure.  Melog loses another
CP (3 down to 2).  Melog is now Cohesion Slipping.

Melog's turn comes up again.  Melog is in a Cohesion Slip, so at the start of
the turn Melog must take a Cohesion check.  He rolls a 10 on the Cohesion check.
Success!  Melog is no longer Cohesion Slipping.

Melog came pretty close to a Mind Break with 2 CP remaining, and needs to take
it easy on extreme golem abilities for a while.

Imagine a person who has only had one arm their entire life suddenly having two like you and me. Imagine yourself growing another arm one day. It would completely change so many things about your life. Your mind would have to know how to move it around like it does your other body parts. You'd have to know how to walk with it, run with it, sleep with it, keep it out of the way when you didn't need it, and how to gesture with it when you were talking.

That's just an arm. Take it a bit further and make it the wings of a bird. Such hubris to think we could just imagine how to fly and it would be so! This would be a huge change for us.

I think we could do it, but it would be slow and awkward.

Now imagine that your real form is actually formless. Your current human form, a bird, a human with three arms, a patch of grass, a gust of wind - it's all the same to you. The only thing holding you together is your sense of what is real and what isn't. What is you and what isn't. If you stop holding that truism for even a moment, you'd evaporate into some cloud of mist or scattering of light, and have no idea how to put yourself back together again, let alone what even constitutes "you".

Now you have an idea of what golem cohesion is, and why it's so important that golems feel a firm anchor to what they know. This is why we go to great lengths to keep them feeling like they are their ordinary, human selves as much as we can.

-Notes from Bilthar, Gray Level Golemancer

Mind Break

A golem undergoing a mind break is in serious trouble. A mind break occurs when the CP of a golem reaches or goes below 0. Outwardly, the golem's body will develop a stark sheen. Small, black, oily droplets gather on parts of the body, as if water running off the skin. Other areas will slightly distort, almost seeming like the golem's body is just about to become completely liquid.

From the golem's perspective, their perception of reality dramatically shifts. They seem to perceive things that aren't there, or things that are there but are impossible to be perceived from their particular vantage. For example, a golem might perceive ruins of an ancient city as it was when it was occupied. They might sense a person's social connections via glowing, gossamer threads. They might see the living as blotchy motes of light in a turbulent sea of ethereal energy, with colors representing their personalities or emotional states.

Once the mind break occurs, there are a few different outcomes. A vast majority of the time, the outcome is the golem is Mind Broken.

Mind Broken

The golem loses their final grip on reality and their ability to control their body. In the best cases for those around the golem, a sort of madness sets in. In the worst cases, the golem loses control of their body in a spectacularly violent fashion.

Examples of mind broken golems:

  1. A golem crumpled into a sphere and projected spikes of Ebonyte dozens yards long, skewering friend and foe alike.
  2. A golem converted to energy in a violent explosion. A crater the size of a football field still remains to this day.
  3. A golem acquired a madness about having a body of flesh again, and would tear apart and consume any sources of meat they could find. The first nearby victim was the captain. The found her with the captain's face hanging limply from her own.
  4. A golem seemed to convulse in unspeakable pain, and let out a wail that shattered every rigid object nearby. Those close enough were pulverized.

For these reasons, it is considered both humane for the golem and for any allies nearby to scrap the golem on the spot. In cases where the golem could be restrained, it was found the golem suffered permanent mental damage.

A player character that becomes Mind Broken loses control of their character, regardless of what kind of Mind Broken occurs.

Golem Death

Notably, lack vital organs and other biological functions that humans do. A golem whose body is damaged too much (0 HP) will experience a body death. This is not the end for golems though. If their heads remain intact, they can be transported to a repair facility and have a new body installed. The repair facility has equipment to preserve the human brain in the case of not having a body immediately on hand. Field storage is also possible to prolong the human brain, and in large scale engagements this field storage is common.

When a golem's head is destroyed or extremely damaged, the golem dies permanently.

If the golem's severed head goes without being attached to its golem body for more than 1 hour, the golem dies permanently.

Field storage of a head increases this to 24 hours, but is scaled based on the time it has been out of storage. So a head without storage for 30 minutes can be placed in field storage to get another 12 hours, for example.

Extreme cold can extend the time to 10x as much, but the reason for this is classified.


To scrap a golem is to destroy it. While obliterating the body outright is difficult, a point blank scrapping pistol shot to the head is enough to destroy the golem and the human brain within. No golem can come back from being scrapped, and is completely destroyed.


Golems are constructs and thus don't possess any of the self healing capabilities that humans do. However, golems can also recover from the most grievous of injuries if repairs are done.

A repair center can completely repair or even replace a golem body. The golem's human brain is transferred to the new body, so their memories and personality remain intact.

Field repairs are also possible, but very limiting.


The Will Impediment Safety Protocol (WISP) is a key part of the golem's creation. This exerts some control over the golem's will to ensure the golem protects humanity. It also provides the ability to wipe the golem's memory, and implant new memories (in the form of combat experience).

WISP Directives

The golem is also given directives, which eases public relations of golems that constantly carry around weapons of immense power. While the exact verbiage is both classified and also not even available to the golems who are governed by it, the directives are roughly these:

  1. A golem cannot willingly harm or kill a human through their actions.
  2. A golem cannot willingly harm or kill another golem through their actions.
  3. A golem must protect humanity and reclaim the world for them.

Some golems can resist the WISP to bend or even break these directives. Some golems are better than it than others. Golems who openly bend or especially break the directives are either destroyed or taken in for study, so this isn't seen happening with any sort of frequency.

Memory Wipe

A WISP also allow a golem's memory to be wiped. This can stave off a potential mind breaks if done carefully, but it is difficult to render a golem unconscious.

Memory wipes can also be used to help control classified information, or undo traumatic experience.

Unfortunately for the golems, this wipe is complete and all memories are lost, except for their Combat Experience.

Combat Experience

A WISP also imbues the golem with Combat Experience from prior golems.

Golems start at level 11 due to the combat experience provided by their WISP. Earlier generations of golems started at lower levels. This makes very experienced golems very valuable.

Combat Experience is extracted regularly. Typically after a major engagement.

Golem Weapons

Golems are required to carry their signature weapons, called Casters, at all times. This is to potentially provide instant response to repel an invasion. They are so powerful to be dangerous for humans to handle. These are typically firearms, but similar artifice goes into making melee weapons as well.

Void Chosenarchive

Some golems fight against humanity and possess incredible power even for golems.

Character Creation

Starting Golem

Starting golem characters begin at level 11 due to their combat experience granted to them via the WISP.

Golem characters use a d20 for their hit dice, and the average roll is 11 for calculating standard HP progression.

This puts a starting golem at 130 HP.

Golems start with 5 cohesion points.

Golems are proficient with all weapons and armor.

Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution start at 25. You have half the points of standard buy, and can only allocate them to Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma.

Your walking speed is 50.

Choose a caster specialty, creator guild, and production type.

You have an Anchor item.

Golem Backgrounds
Heinous Criminal
General abilities
Construct - No Biological Needs
You don't need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep.
Construct - Repaired
Healing effects that work on humans (bandages, medical treatments) have no effect on you. You must be able to conduct field repairs to use your hit dice. This requires a field repair kit, and you must be intact enough to use it with two arms. You do not gain hit dice back after a long rest. You do not gain hit points back after a long rest.
Tenuous Cohesion
Your cohesion is perilous. Using any of your Golem Surge abilities cost 1 CP. Any time a CP is lost, you need to take a cohesion check as seen in Mind Break. The same section outlines how you can regain your lost CP, and what happens when your CP reach zero.
Creator Guild
Creator - Ornatum Consortium

Ornatum believes beauty is protection and form defines function. Your creators love to make exquisite golems that show some flare both in their garment and their role.

You gain +1 Charisma and are proficient with Performance and Persuasion.

Creator - Axis Mechanica

Axis Mechanica is a no-frills guild. They want brutal efficiency and since golems are built with humanity's defense in mind, that makes your golem body particularly adopted for combat duty.

You gain +1 Constitution and a caster golem trait.

Creator - Ebonspire Assembly

Ebonspire has been known for its "grasp the sky" motto that communicates their constant push to further golemancy in all regards. Ebonspire aggressively explores many new directions instead of trying to hone a particular one. This makes for a very diverse set of golems.

You gain +1 ability score of your choice, and two golem traits.

Creator - Nomadarchive
Production Type

You were built from a standard template called a jig, and golems are your kind are mass produced. Jigged golems have identical appearances within a finite number of templates (perhaps about 50, but the number shifts). These faces are recognized throughout the Light Hold. Jigged golems are built using more abundant materials, but the refined process leaves less room for defects. These golems are produced very quickly, die the most, and are seen as the least valuable. This means all the more when the golem makes a name for itself.

All jigged golems are given an alphanumeric identifier, and the identifier never intentionally spells or means anything other than an arbitrary series of numbers and letters.

Jigged golems are built as general purpose with a skew towards combat. During relatively peaceful times, these golems do much of the heavy lifting and other grunt work for humanity. During war times, they are pushed directly to the front lines where they face the brunt of attacks and push directly into hordes of voidborn. While this tactic is generally understood to be unsound, sometimes holding a line or pushing a front is what's needed, and that's where jigged golems find purpose.

Instant Repair
Because jigged golems are mass produced, and constantly produced, it means that replacement bodies are always available. So a parts and expertise for repairs. When going to a golem repair center for your guild, you can be completely repaired damage and all hit dice restored of all in one hour. If time is of the essence, you can regain all hit dice and up to half of your hit points in 5 minutes.
Standard Parts
Your standard and relatively easily built parts mean that even field repairs go more smoothly for you. You have advantage when rolling hit dice for field repairs.
Shock Troops
Designed to bear the brunt of an assault, create an assault of their own, or just handling grunt work, your body is built with physical workload in mind. You gain +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, and + 1 Constitution.
Immediately recognized
People can identify you as a golem by being able to see your face. You cannot simply conceal or hide your weapons to pass yourself off as human, and all attempts to do so will fail to a native of the city.

Specialty golems are built with a particular purpose in mind. They use rarer materials, but not the most precious. Their construction is called for because a jigged golem is not seen as capable for the task in mind. Such golems are not used frivolously. Such golems house more sturdy cohesion, since a mind break presents a more costly risk. Such golems retain a physical appearance that reflects their ideal self. Unfortunately, memories are wiped via the WISP even if those memories contribute to their specialty, but in practice such golems display a knack for their specialties. Some golemancers suggest this means the WISP memory wipe is never complete, and those memories can still be accessed if certain associations can be made.

Purpose Built
You are built for a specific purpose. You gain 1 skill proficiency or tool proficiency, and that proficiency has expertise. You also gain two other proficiencies as any combination of skill proficiencies or tool proficiencies. These must contribute to your first skill in some way. This may be indirect, but your story must reflect this.
Employed Golem
When not set to a specific task, you have a job you're expected to perform as if you were an employee (or business owner, if that applies better). The job itself directly applies to your specialty. The required hours are flexible. You report to the head of your creator guild, or one of their immediate advisors. The flexible hours tend not to be abused, because delinquent or non-productive golems a rumored to be scrapped.
Renown Golem
Most people have heard of you and recognize your face from advertisements and appearances. All but the newest golems have heard of you, and a vast majority recognize your appearance. Jigged golems in particular look up to you. In addition, your appearance reflects something about your specialty in some obvious way. You have disadvantage trying to pass off as someone else, or as a specialty golem of another kind.
Strong Identity
Only minds with strong cohesion are imbued to golem bodies. You gain +1 total CP.
Expert Source
You have advantage convincing people regarding topics of your area of expertise.
Expert Mind
As a specialty golem, it's important you know your stuff. You are not only given the normal combat experience that other golems enjoy, but you've spent some time in study and practice of the less physical activities. You gain +1 in Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
Magnum Opus

These golems are the pinnacle of a single, expert golemancer. They will never make anything better. Expectations are high for these golems, and failure is treated harshly. The materials used for these golems are the most precious, and nobody will ever make a golem quite like this one again. Such a golemancer creates these golems with some lofty dream in mind.

Expensive Repairs
Repairs take 10x as long for you at a repair center, and you have disadvantage on hit dice when doing field repairs.
Powerful Identity
You gain +2 total CP. Only minds with the strongest levels of cohesion are suitable for such constructs.
Pinnacle of Creation
You start with three Golem Traits instead of the normal starting traits.
One Off Mold
You gain +1 in three ability scores of your choosing.
Secret Identity
Golems built by the best golemancers are typically kept concealed on this aspect, and typically are passed off as specialty golems with no interesting specialty. If you can conceal your caster, you can pass yourself off as human.

You heeded the advice of a warning issued to you in a prior life. Your soul has remained intact over the many generations, and when you awoke as a golem, those memories awoke with you. When you woke up, you were able to feign confusion fairly easily (it is a confusing process), even though your memories have been completely intact.

The one who warned you had a suspicion of what happens to golems who rise with perfect memory of their past lives - they are scrapped - either in ignorance of past lives and rebirths, or in full knowledge of it. Tipping your hand to find out will get you scrapped or worse.

You retain the memories of one or more past characters in the world. Your soul has actually been through more than you can completely remember, but some memories and lives stick out clearly. You have one skill or tool proficiency from that character. Pick one character: You also gain +2 on that character's highest attribute. If tied, you can pick one, or give +1 to two attributes that are tied for highest.
Still Constructed
You are still constructed as other golems are. You must be another Production Type to be your physical type. You gain all of the abilities and aspects of that production type.
Surreal Existence
You lose 2 points of total CP, since your psyche is trying to hold together both your golem form and your past lives. What's real, current, and everything you knew to be true is in disarray.
Golem Weapon

You are issued a Scrapcaster as a side arm and you chose you primary weapon.

Scatter Caster
The scatter caster chambers two caster rounds, and fires in a cone. A choke is included to adjust the firing pattern. Very short range.
Battle Caster
A staple and versatile weapon. It can fire rapidly, and be accurate at a very respectable distance. Uses a caster magazine to load casters, which makes swapping caster rounds impractical. Reloading is less frequent, but it doesn't allow for "topping off".
Blast Caster
This fires a single, heavy caster round that is desired to disperse over an area. A primer switch on the caster allows setting a "depth" to make the caster round explode at a certain distance.
Long Caster
A long barreled caster with gyroscopes to help steady it. It fires a heavy caster round that can penetrate many things in a line. It can also be helpful for hitting very specific parts of a target. Distance is extreme, but don't think it useless at medium range.
Day Breaker
In an age of firearms, you have a melee weapon. This is a high risk, high reward setup. A day breaker includes an aegis. The aegis is a bracer that erects a temporary force shield in front of you. You can use the aegis to shield yourself and your allies.

See the Casters section for more details.


An anchor is some sort of trinket that reminds a golem of their own humanity. Examples are a tiny music box, a love note, a picture of loved ones, a toy, a random gift, or a tacky article of clothing.

Focusing on this as an action will permit the golem to take a cohesion check at advantage, but it can only be used once per day.

Starting anchors have virtually no monetary value, unless negotiated with the GM.

Golem Surge

A golem can reach deep into themselves to stretch the limits of their already powerful bodies. This is a desperate and dangerous activity, as it presents a difficult challenge for the mind. Performing a Golem Surge spends 1 CP.

Fast as Thought
After someone has finished their round, for this round, take your turn out of initiative order starting immediately after the creature's turn that just finished.
Impossible Physical Form
You push your physical body beyond its limit, and the body responds almost eagerly. Add +5 on any skill check that requires Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.
Boundless Form
One ranged attack that would have hit you misses you. You could have swore it was a dead-on shot.
Hasted Clock
Time seems to slow, and your movements feel like an expression of your will more so than the movement of limbs. You can take an extra turn at the end of your turn.
Veritable Juggernaught
Your unarmed attacks use d10s until the start of your next turn. Your armed attacks gain +10 damage, and move up a die size if the die is not already a d20.
Immovable Object
You take half damage from a single damage source. If the damage is already halved due to other modifiers such as successful saving throws or resistance, simply divide by two again, always rounding up.

Other physical feats can potentially done at GM discretion, and may cost more than 1 CP depending on the scope of the power.

Golem Traits

Golems learn new ways of handling their bodies and weapons that can't normally be taught.

When you gain a level as a golem, you gain a Golem Trait of your choice so long as you meet the prerequisites for the trait.

Golem traits are roughly grouped in three different categories:

Caster Expertise
These golems are very skilled at using and maintaining their Caster weapons. This allows them to be more effectively directly in combat.
Elemental Crafters
These golems are knowledgeable in the art of adding elements to caster ammunition. They craft ammunition for themselves and their allies to amplify combat effectiveness.
Apex Golems
These golems are very in tune with their bodies and their cohesion is strong. They break the rules of what it means to be a golem, or can hold their cohesion together effortlessly in some situations. This helps with combat but also with many different kinds of operations.

Not all traits are constrained to just one category. You can take any combination of traits for your golem.

Existential Fortitude

Type: Cohesion

You have +1d4 on cohesion checks.

Eternal Fast

You can forgo food and water without losing CP. Eating and drinking is no longer a requirement for you to regain CP.

You gain +1 Constitution, and have proficiency in Constitution Saves.

Quick Loader

You've relentless practiced reloading. It's practically an idle thing you do, like one might rattle their fingers on a desk.

You can reload once per turn for free during your turn.

You gain +1 Dexterity.


You can forgo sleep without it costing CP, and sleep is no longer a requirement for you to regain CP. A sort of mental clock in your mind helps keep you mindful of the time - you always know what time it is even if you lose consciousness, and you gain +1 Intelligence.


You seem to see things without your eyes upon them. You can't be surprised, and you have advantage on initiative rolls. You gain +1 Wisdom.

Leg Day

You double your jumping distance. You can fall twice your jumping height without taking damage or falling prone.

You gain +1 Strength, and have proficiency in Strength Saving Throws.

Martial Expert

After making an attack, you can make an unarmed attack as part of your bonus action.

You gain +1 Strength.


You gain +1 Dexterity and have proficiency in Dexterity Saving Throws.

Hit and Run

After attacking with your weapon and scoring a hit, you can immediately move 15 feet that does not count against your normal movement for the rest of your turn. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.

You gain +1 Dexterity.

Snap Shot

You've gotten really good at making accurate-enough shots at point blank with your side arm.

As a bonus action, you can draw your side arm and fire it at half of its normal range. Alternatively, as a bonus action you can fire your side arm and holster it.

As a reaction, you can draw your firearm and fire it at something that just came within threatening range of you.

You gain +1 Dexterity.

Elemental Loader

This trait can be taken multiple times.

Select an element for this trait.

When refilling caster ammunition with caster powder, you can always make the powder be the selected element.

Elemental Seeder

Requires: Level 16, Elemental Loader of the selected element.

This trait can be taken multiple times.

Select an element for this trait.

When you refill caster ammunition using your Elemental Loader trait, that caster ammunition contains a "seed" of a different element of your choosing (different from this trait). This is Seeded Caster Ammunition, seeded with the chosen element.

When a Seeded Caster Ammunition hits, it applies elemental effects as normal. At the beginning of the target's turn, that target makes a Constitution Save against your Elemental DC. If it fails, the seeded elemental effect is applied to the target immediately.

WISP Resistant

You can resist the WISP by adding in clever workarounds. Examples: Wear a blindfold and pretend anything that moves is a voidborn, attack a building that collapses on a target.

These workarounds impose disadvantage on any attack rolls or skill checks.

You gain +1 Wisdom.


There are golems who have been sighted wandering the world who are not attached or affiliated in any known way. One theory is that records were expunged or lost by prior generations. These golems are not known to be outwardly hostile, but they haven't been established as friend of foe.



Golems squads are always commanded by a human captain. The term "captain" is role based, and has no bearing on actual military rank.


Even with knowledge of the WISP, golems are still feared by many in the public.

During an operation, all golems are accompanied by captains to help ensure that golems still represent humanity's needs. Captains also present a positive public image for the military. Another duty of captains is to scrap mind broken golems.


Captains spend 6 weeks in training - just enough to learn military structure, fire a firearm for the first time in their lives, and operate the artifice required to carry out their missions.

A lot of propaganda is given to captains. They are made to think they are going to win back the world for humanity, when in reality they are the most likely to perish in their squad. In this way, the captain career track serves to help keep the population relatively stable.


Captains can come from all walks of life. Since the training program is actually relatively short (6 weeks), it's pretty easy to come from anywhere. The relatively high (but not public) death rate of captains means that recruitment is always ongoing.

Career Change

You had a trade, but it wasn't going anywhere for you. Some part about it made the endeavor untenable, and so you decided to change things up. Captaincy is one of the few professions that a human can swing into if they aren't well supported by family.


Either through ideas of your own or by buying into the propaganda, you sought captaincy as your first and best career choice. Your motivation made you excel at the academy, and the lessons from there are etched well into you.


As a member of the elite or aristocracy, life is pretty made. Your family might have caught wind of a conscription coming, or perhaps being third in line meant you really have nothing going on in your life, and decided captaincy was a way to make it interesting before you turned into your dreadful parents. You may have also been forced to captaincy by your parents, under the idea that it would build character and make you worthy of your inheritance.

As a debutante, you have influencial connections at your disposal. You have a healthy bank balance, and you know who you can be put in touch with for things outside of the military.

Petty Criminal Sentence

You were caught for a crime. Either the crime was petty, or because you were able to somehow help law enforcement, you were able to negotiate down your sentence. Your sentence was to become a captain in the military.

You still have connections, and can get a sense of those who are willing to flirt with the rules. Bringing things in from the outer world is a highly documented process and many things are banned or require one-off approval. This leaves ample opportunity for someone of your connections and legal flexibility.

Captain Traits

Captain Traits are taken at a rate of 1 per level of your choice, so long as you have the prerequisites met.

Captain Traits fall roughly into one of three categories:

These captains have strategically sharp minds, and can coordinate their golems and help find weak points in their enemies. Their specialty is largely Intelligence based.
Artificer captains assist with repairs and modifications. Their specialty is largely Wisdom and Intelligence based.
Leaders inspire their golems to greater feats, and help golems retain their cohesion. Their specialty is largely Wisdom and Charisma based.

Some traits may span across more than one category. You can mix and match these as you see fit for your captain.

Tactically Prepared

Golems have been given various formations and attack sequences via their WISP's combat experience. You can call upon formations or sequences among your golems to make sure everything happens in the correct order, turning your squad into a well oiled machine.

After initiative rolls are made, you can rearrange initiative orders amongst your squad. In order to trade, the squad member must be able to see or hear you. All you can do is trade what the computed initiative number is. You can do this for every member of the squad, including yourself.

Stay in Formation

Golems have been given various formations as part of the WISP's combat experience.

A golem out of position might die or otherwise leave a critical crack in defenses. You can urge a golem to get back into position. The golem must be able to see or hear you. That golem immediately moves their walking speed to a location of your choosing.

You gain +1 Intelligence.

Focus Fire

As an action you can quickly coordinate multiple attacks on a target. You select a target, and then two willing golems that can see and hear you. These golems use their reactions to immediately attack the target in the order you deign. Each attack adds one die to its damage roll.

  • At 5th level, you can command three golems to make attacks.
  • At 11th level, you add two dice instead of one to the damage roll.
  • At 16th level, you can command four golems to make attacks.

You gain +1 Intelligence.

Inspired to Greatness

You have a knack for seeing the inherit value of individual golems, and know how to encourage them to bring that out.

Make an insight check. For each score of 5 you gain give an inspiration tally to a golem that can see or hear you. The inspiration tally is the bonus applied to attack rolls, AC, and skill checks. This also grants that tally in temporary hit points to the golem. This lasts until the start of your next turn.

You gain +1 Wisdom.

Emergency Field Repairs

You have a knack for artifice even though you aren't a golemancer. You can perform field repairs on golems.

Field repair rolls are doubled during a short rest. You can do a field repair in combat as an action, but it is limited to a single hit die. Doing so require an artifice check. You must be able to touch the golem and the golem must be willing. This expends a use of the field repair kit, which must be in your possession. You can also use an adjacent golem's repair kit if they are willing.

Artifice Tinkerer

Requires Emergency Field Repairs.

Field repairs you perform gain advantage when rolling the hit dice.

+1 Wisdom.

TODO Voidborn Expert

You have studied the documents on voidborn and know their anatomy, weaknesses, and other things.

In addition, this gives you the background needed to study and learn from voidborn that haven't been cataloged yet. To do this, you must spend an action studying the creature. You make a investigation check with DC is 8 + the voidborn's challenge rating. This gives you one bit of information based on the number of checks or knowledge held so far.

Knowledge Rank Knowledge Gained
1 You know the voidborn's elemental defenses.
Back from the Brink

Once per day, as an action, you can pull a golem back from the brink of loss of cohesion. You must utter, present, or otherwise communicate something that snaps the golem back to reality. You can use this as a reaction when the golem you can see or hear reaches 0 CP.

When it is done, the golem gains 1 CP. The golem is no longer Cohesion Slipping.

At 5th level you can do this twice a day. At 11th, three times a day, at 16th, 4 times a day, and at 20th, 5 times a day.

Crafting Guilds

Three golem crafting have risen to power, and have enormous sway in the Hold. Each one has a different set of values. All of them produce golems of all kinds.

Ornatum Consortium

A guild that values that believes beauty is protection, and art is critical to good craftsmanship.

Axis Mechanica

A guild valuing precision and efficiency to achieve perfect function.

Ebonspire Assembly

Innovators that once pushed the edge of golemancy. They have fallen behind in both profits and prominence in recent decades. A child recently inherited the guild leadership, and has come up to speed very quickly.


As the name implies, Golemancers see to the development, construction, repair, and maintenance of golems. With some exceptions, individual Golemancers contribute only small slices to the overall process of golem construction. Golemancers enjoy healthy incomes, spacious housing, and social respect. However they also have to put in long shifts, and their lack of personal time means not being able to see much of their monetary benefits.

Golemancer Specialty

Golemancers are rarely talented enough to both oversee and perform the construction of a golem entirely on their own. Instead they are broken into all sorts of specialties.

Golemancer Ranking

Golemancers are ranked by colors. Gray represents the lowest rank, and most Golemancers graduate just above that rank. Golemancers wear robes and hats much like the wizards of old did, but they are colored according to their rank.


Golems are indistinguishable from humans in every perceivable way, but one thing that quickly sets them apart is their issued weapons, called casters. Casters are firearms use caster cartridges, special artifice ammunition. These weapons are capable of harming the void born. Golems are required to carry these weapons with them at all times, including restricted areas, in the event of an invasion. To curb the unease of such powerful creatures carrying such powerful weapons, the WISP limits a golem's ability to harm other humans and even golems.

Caster cartridges are packed with ground powder from various materials. When void born perish, they also leave behind colored orbs called heart stones. These can be ground into powder.

Golems carry field kits to refill their caster cartridges. They both contain powder as well as the equipment needed to powder the heart stones.

A golem's frame is capable of firing these caster cartridges. Humans can fire them too, at harm to themselves due to the enormous kick. A human firing a caster will take the same damage the caster does normally, but one die size smaller and as bludgeoning damage. If the human passes a DC 15 Strength saving throw, they take half damage.

There are many different kinds of casters. Golems specialize in these casters and so carry just one, but have the ability to use any kind of caster.

Casters use the shooter's Dexterity for determining the damage bonus and the to-hit bonus.

Caster Types


The scattercaster is the answer to close-quarters but ranged combat. It does this by covering a wide spread when fired. Scattercasters have no magazines but instead caster shells are directly chambered into the two barrels it has. This does slow its rate of fire but does allow for rapidly switching elemental caster shells. Its double barrels have chokes on them which can be used to vary their spread.


Longcasters are known for their long barrels and always have a scope to help see further or more precisely. The longcaster fires a heavy caster cartridge, and a choke is included to select between "needle" and "column" modes. The shots are capable of penetrating multiple targets but requires "column" on the choke setting to hit anything with any practicality.

Its bolt action mechanism makes cycling in new cartridges slow, but does allow the opportunity to push in a different elemental caster cartridge.


6d12 + 25


4d12 + 20


Battlecasters are versatile weapons that enjoy effectiveness at many different ranges.

One shot: 6d8 + 20

Tight burst:

Full auto:


A sidecaster is a pistol sized caster designed for one handed use. It tends fire lower yields and is less accurate due its shorter barrel and lack of bracing.

One shot: 4d6 + 12


Scrapcasters are a variant of the Sidecaster, designed for human use. To get around the deleterious effects of firing casters for humans, this particular caster is designed to absorb much of the kick of the weapon - enough that it doesn't damage the human firing it. When a scrapcaster is fired, it can't be fired again for another minute. During this time, it vents heat and faintly glows in the dark, and the barrel is hot enough to sear flesh (1d4 fire damage on contact).

Scrapcasters are issued to captains and golems alike. The intention is to have a weapon that can "scrap" golems who are undergoing a mind break. Golems are generally unable to use these, but can provide them to their captains, or, if they have the gumption, use it on themselves.

Generally these are used point blank, at where the brain would reside if as if pointed at a human. When doing so, the golem dies outright.

Day Breaker

In a world where firearms are the weapon of choice for golems, and the voidborn have their own ranged capabilities, there's always going to be someone who wants to hit things with a stick.

Day Breakers, while not caster firearms, are melee weapons that are incredibly heavy and made of the same sturdy stuff as golems. Day breakers can cut through or bash apart both golem and voidborn bodies when wielded by a golem.

Day Breakers do require sharpening. They can also be imbued with an element by pouring caster powder into the fuller - the groove along the center, or along a groove of the back side of a single sided blade. This only lasts for so long though.

Day Breakers are high risk, high reward weapons. They require getting close to the voidborn, who haven't lost their close-combat edge since the first invasion despite having learned to channel their energy into ranged attacks. This means a Day Breaker is at risk regardless of the range, and the Day Breaker golem must first close the gap before being able to attack.

Day Breakers have attached somewhere (for storage) a part that can unfold or otherwise deploy into a bracer to be worn on the off-arm. This is the aegis - a special shield. When not used directly, it provides some protection. When directly employed it can be used to shield the golem completely and provide cover to allies.

The ministry of golems cautions against taking more than one day breaker for every 5 golems in a squad. Anything more is considered wasteful and could see punishment.

A golem can make three Sweep attacks per turn using Multi-Attack using a Day Breaker. A single Strike attack can be made instead of the three Sweep attacks. Its to-hit bonus and damage bonus use Strength.

Sweep: 3d20 + 30

Strike: 6d20 + 50

Elemental Effects

Caster ammunition is composed of special powders. When ignited, they provide tremendous force and energy. The type of energy can vary, and follows several distinct classifications. With these classifications comes interactions with other elements.

Elemental Types

The acid element eats away at an area. It's generally not strong enough to eat through anything (or it would eat through the caster itself) but it will cleanse most elements off of an area.


The cold element causes the effected area to become rigid and brittle. This typically has devastating effect to armor.


The fire element produces incredible heat and even kicks off combustion. Generally, fire doesn't work without a catalyst.


The lightning element is a blast of high powered electricity. It is known for finding the path of least resistance.


The thunder element is a manifested shock wave of great resonance. Anything brittle struck by thunder is typically shattered.

Elemental Interactions

Applying cold and then applying thunder does incredible damage to a target based on its armor. The higher the armor, the greater the impact.


Applying Poison and then applying Fire will produce an explosion.

Armor Softening

Applying Acid and then Fire will soften the armor.

Spreading Fire

Fire and then Thunder Creates a fire that spreads.

Smoke Screen

Fire and then Cold.

First / Second Acid Cold Fire Lightning Poison Thunder
Acid O   R      
Cold   O C     R
Fire C R O   C R
Lightning       O    
Poison     R   O  
Thunder   C C     O


No interaction.
Column -> Row interaction.
Row -> Column interaction.
Cross Interaction.