Table of Contents
1 changelog
- add section about character controllers.
- add section about game stutter.
- add section about frame rate and vsync.
2 introduction
At the Portland scene we like to talk a lot about different things we've learned about Killer Queen, and being that the game is effectively a hunk of software we wind up talking a lot about details of its internal implementation. This post is about the software implementation we know about Killer Queen or things we are able to infer about said software. The source code for Killer Queen is locked in a vault somewhere, guarded by a small army of the best speed warriors. As such we can't say for 100% certainty about everything. The game is a black box where we cannot see inside it. We can make some good guesses though.
3 background
I (Logan Barnett AKA Day Logan) have done game development both professionally and as a hobbyist for many years now, and I'm an accomplished software engineer. At time of writing my current work is in web development, but I am comfortable straddling both worlds. I used to pay my bills making an educational game in Unity. Unity is the game engine that was used to build Killer Queen. My hobby projects have taken my experience beyond the scope of that game. I have had an opportunity to work with Unity's physics system (and work around it), use its character controller system, networking, shaders, GUI (editor and in-game), and its logic/behavior system. I also have an educational background in computer engineering, so I have a good conceptual understanding of operating systems, memory models, resource sharing, etc. My resume is here for full transparency.
4 reasoning
If you had to build a car, there's a lot of things you could say about building a car without actually having to look at the blueprints. Cars need some way of touching the ground (wheels). They need a drive train that pushes the car in the direction we want to go. There needs to be some kind of steering apparatus (even for self driving cars) so you can make sure the car is moving the direction you want to go. We can do this with software too. In order to accomplish certain things, there's just machinery that needs to be in place. Unity has a lot of things built into it, and circumventing those built in things so you can do something custom can mean a lot of work. Bumblebee Games doesn't have that kind of resources. So there's a lot of things we can infer about the guts of the game without even looking at its source code.
5 things
5.1 frames
5.1.1 history
The first time I learned about "frames" was in talk about how Street Fighter 2 works. Keep in mind this game is ancient by today's standards. With the Street Fighter 2 cabinet, the hardware there focused on exactly one thing: Running Street Fighter 2. This meant the game could make some assumptions about its operation, namely its timing. Street Fighter 2 plays at 30 frames per second, meaning the screen redraws itself 30 times a second. Each cycle between the redraw is a "frame". During this time, the game does all of its computations. It copies pixels around, computes distances, does hit box checks, etc all in this tight little loop. Since frames in Street Fighter 2 are fixed to this 30 times per second, that means you have about 33 milliseconds to do all of your computations. Any smarts that are in the game have to fit in this time period. If that's the case, you can count on each frame being 33 milliseconds long, and you can derive timing in the animation system, what your grace period is to throw a fireball, or chain together some combo, or whatever. But the problem is this is a lie. It's just an infrequent one for Street Fighter.
Remember Solitaire? That game that came built into Windows 3.x back when you had to clean mouse balls? Yeah that one. I think it's still in Windows today. If you beat Solitaire, you were given a wonderful little animation of the cards cascading out of their slots, kind of undoing everything you just did. You could easily go use the bathroom and come back to see it still going. This thing took a while. At the time if you were on Windows 3.x and you had a 66 Mhz computer, this would go pretty slow. Once you got a Pentium, you'd notice the animation completed in about a second or two. In both situations, the game was doing the animation as fast as possible, but one computer was significantly faster than the other. Computers back then often had a turbo button. You could use this button to slow your computer down and run older applications that had this kind of timing problem. Street Fighter would be one of those applications.
5.1.2 complications
The lie about frame counting is that sometimes the computations can't complete in the time period they have. This happens a lot in Chun Li's level: There's so many animations and other things going on that if the players add a little bit more and maybe step away from each other, the hardware sudden has way too much to do to cram into that 33 millisecond time slice, so it just takes longer, and as a result the game enters a strange kind of slow motion.
5.1.3 the operating system
Back in the day of Street Fighter 2, and most gaming consoles for that matter, the game you were running was the program the hardware ran. Today even the XBox and PSX consoles run an operating system (OS). When you boot up your mac and run Photoshop or whatever, you're not running Photoshop. You're running MacOS. The operating system is a very intricate program that makes it look like you're running other programs. In reality the OS grants programs the ability to execute a few instructions at a time before the OS interrupts and then gives another program a chance to run on the processor. When it does a good job about switching around really fast, it makes it look like you're running multiple programs at once. Your games are one of these programs. This makes it really hard to promise that you have exactly 33 milliseconds to complete your operations. In the middle of the frame, the OS could easily have let several dozen other programs run a little bit too, each eating into that precious slice of time.
As an example, there's a small program running in this post that loops and prints the time since the last tick in milliseconds. Notice the variance.
Here's the code that does this, if you want to follow along:
var lastTime = var el = document.querySelector('[data-id="millisecond-monitor"]') function printMillis() { var delta = - lastTime el.innerHTML = delta lastTime = window.requestAnimationFrame(printMillis) } window.requestAnimationFrame(printMillis)
5.1.4 the solution
So how do games not stutter every time your browser takes a bunch of time to inefficiently render a gif you're not even looking at because you're playing a game? Games multiply a time delta.
Take this psuedo-code as an example:
if player1HoldingRight player1Position.x = player1Position.x + player1Speed
Here player1Speed
is a simple fixed number. The speed is tuned to you playing
the game at 30 FPS. The new x
is the old x
plus that speed. Simple! But a
lie. To get around it, we use the delta since our last frame.
if player1HoldingRight player1Position.x = player1Position.x + (player1Speed * timeSinceLastTick)
Sometimes we call this a tick. Here we do multiplication. If the delta was high, then the amount we move the player is high. If it's low, the amount we move the player is low. Mathematically it scales perfectly. There's some complications with this approach, but rest assured this is what everyone uses today. Unity games are no exception.
Here's an example of the timing scaling to your machine's speed:
5.1.5 side by side
I managed to get my hands on the up-until-now rumored purple queen sprites. Many berry runners died to bring us this sprite from KQ 4 Turbo X Championship Legendary Edition. You can see the queens moving horizontally in separate "swim lanes". We have exaggerated artificial delays we're adding to demonstrate how the varied methods work.
5.1.6 conclusion
We cannot assume all frames are created equal. Frames are not fixed slices of time but instead highly varied slices of time.
5.2 frame rate
Building upon the idea of a variable frame rate - frame rates can sometimes have upper limits. We do that sometimes as a way of preventing a visual artifact called "tearing". Before we explain the fix, let's explain the problem.
5.2.1 the problem
Imagine the kind of work it takes to make a stop motion movie. You meticulously position all of the objects in the scene, setup your lights, focus the camera (pray that you didn't nudge it), and take that picture. Okay great. Computers do this too, but they can't spend minutes doing it. Try 33 milliseconds at worst case.
There's a two dimensional section of memory called a buffer, and the game's job is to translate the game's state into a bunch of colors. These colors are destined to populate pixels on the screen, and this is how you see all the pretty things in the game. The monitor that displays this information is a simplistic device though. It redraws itself at some fixed rate (60 Hz to 75 Hz, depending on the hardware). CRTs are closer to 30 Hz if I recall. The monitor shows stuff at its own rate, not the video card's. So what winds up happening is the screen can start redrawing the screen using the buffer as the game is also writing to that buffer. What this means is you wind up seeing part of the last frame and part of the current frame at the same time, but there will be a seam (horizontal due to how the hardware works).
5.2.2 enter vsync
is a feature that's really easy to use on a game engine. It's a
simple toggle that tells the game it has to wait until that buffer is ready
and then it can draw to that buffer. The monitor won't see the buffer until
after the game has finished writing to it. The tradeoff is the game has to
sit on its hands when it could be calculating smoke trajectories of bong
stacks in weed-em-up games. It slows the game down, sometimes in a
noticeably adverse way.
It's worth noting there's other ways to combat tearing such as double or triple buffering, but these are mitigation strategies. At the moment there's not an actual fix. There's been development on gaming monitors that can communicate with the video card and sync up in a less primitive way.
5.2.3 does KQ use vsync?
From staring too long at the background on the game, it would seem like Killer Queen does indeed not use vsync currently. When the background scrolls upwards, you can see the tear. That said, I've noticed that cabinets can perform a little differently when they get hooked up to streaming equipment. The streaming equipment influences the frame rate of displays. So it's hard to say one way or another with much certainty.
5.2.4 TODO show example of vsync
5.3 pixels
5.3.1 2D as 3D
Display sizes vary all over the place. The result is game engines don't use pixels directly anymore. Even 2D games are rendered using 3D libraries. In Unity's case 2D things will be rectangles that face the camera. The coordinate system Unity uses is arbitrary. You could change the size of your camera and be able to see further, for example. All of the coordinates used in Unity are floating point numbers. Floating point numbers are the poor man's numbers that allow for decimals. Floating point numbers are "lossy", meaning they aren't exact and even though it might look like the numbers are correct they actually aren't the same thing. This doesn't mean Unity is doing anything poorly. The world of 3D gaming is dominated by floating point numbers. The only things that become hard with floating point numbers are when you want to do exact comparisons and a large scaling distance.
5.3.2 what about the pixel graphics?
Generally what happens with pixel graphics is someone will build the images using fixed pixels, and then assign that image to a rectangle that'll show up on the screen. Most of the time there's a filter applied to the images in real-time that blurs and distorts the image. You want this in a vast majority of 3D games, as it addresses graininess and a number of other visual artifacts. In the case of retro graphics games, the filter is disabled so you see the raw pixels. They are still stretched though.
5.3.3 TODO conclusion
5.4 TODO the wrap glitch
5.5 game stutter
Sometimes the game stutters. There's a variety of reasons as to why this can happen that are completely independent of the game itself. The operating system might have some expensive processes that wake up and do lots of work suddenly and leave the game starved for resources, for example. More often than not it will be garbage collection that's the cause of stutters.
- the dark ages of memory management
Let's rewind to 2018 where games are still written in C++. Yup. It still happens. The common belief is that games need to run at maximum speed and C++ is the closest intersection between abstractable and close to the raw processor as possible. In reality it's like running a civilization without running water just because you want to be closer to nature. Barbarism ensues. Programmers generally don't (and can't) know exactly how much memory their applications will need when they are writing software for it. Even if we had an idea, it would be insanely hard to get it right. Games can easily take billions of bytes of memory. So instead of declaring upfront how much memory we need, we instead gradually ask the operating system for more memory to use. Memory is used for things like tracking each berry on the map, or the position, momentum, facing direction, etc of a character. Basically anything you can see or conceptualize in the game is tracked somehow in the system's memory. In the days of C/C++, we would ask for memory and then we'd have to tell the operating system when we were done with it. If we forgot (and we do this all the fucking time), we'd wind up with something called a memory leak. A memory leak means our program asked for memory it will never give back. If the program does this too many times, we'll use up all of the memory on the computer, and then we run into trouble.
- garbage collection
Unity is backed by a C/C++ engine, but as game authors everything is written some .net language - usually C#. C# doesn't use direct memory management like C++ does. Instead it uses a garbage collection system like many other modern programming languages do. Garbage collection is like a little sibling program that runs alongside your primary program. It watches all the little asks for memory that your system does, and tracks what data references other data. Specifically it's looking for data that nothing references.
Let's see how it works with some arbitrary character setup:
Here we have a character with leg, torso, and hand attributes. Each of these attributes holds a "reference" to some piece of data in the system. In this case it's pants, a shirt, and a rat bastard sword. The character itself hangs off of the main program. These references are like little links that point to the data we need. If we have this character, we can get its torso item if we like. For funsies, let's remove the hand item:
When the garbage collector sees that there's no reference to the rat bastard sword, it knows that it's safe to remove the rat bastard sword from memory and give it back to the operating system. Things like this are very simple for the garbage collector to do. Let's make it slightly more complicated.
No surprises yet. Here we've added a treasure chest that contains our rat bastard sword. We just moved the sword around. For the sake of argument, let's say the rat bastard sword holds a reference to its container - the treasure chest. Now here comes the curve ball: We're going to destroy the treasure chest. We simply do that by unlinking it, or removing its reference to keep the vernacular.
Wait a second - our simple rule of removing things that are no longer referenced won't work here! These objects both reference each other, so they elude our simple rule. Fuck. Whelp, welcome to software engineering. This is why software conferences are also wonderful gateways to alcoholism.
Let's remove our example for a moment and show something actually complicated:
The garbage collector has to solve this puzzle among billions of bytes of memory. It's a nightmare, and it takes time to do. In the mean time, the program that's using all of this memory is moving things around, creating, removing, and changing references constantly.
- why you should care
The garbage collector must pause the entire program to perform a full garbage collect (or GC). If there's a lot of memory to go through, this can be a long pause. In games, this is death.
Unity gets away with this as a game engine not through any kind of technical feat. Unity is simply used in a lot of contexts where it doesn't matter. If you're playing Civ5, you won't care as a player if there's an occasional hiccup. I don't care that some zombie shooter game on my sons' iPads has to pause occasionally. If you're playing some single player indie game, you probably don't care either. Unity is all about these kinds of games.
Remember the side by side I put together showing how different timing models work with delays? You'd better fucking remember. That was a lot of work!
The garbage collector will cause these long hiccups, which sometimes are less than a second, and it will ruin your day. Imagine how precise the timing has to be when you perform a j-hook. Only now add that half second hiccup in the middle of it. Oops.
Predicting how memory models will behave while the program is actually running can be akin to predicting stock market fluctuations, except there's not actually any money in it. Killer Queen doesn't have that much it needs to track, but it still needs to track things. When a berry is scooped up, it might be destroyed along with all the things it had hanging off of it. When your drone dies, the drone may be destroyed and the berry created anew. This all creates churn. Long running games might make this problem more apparent due to the memory model getting fragmented over time, or memory leaks occur because the code didn't release the reference when it needed to.
As game engineers we can mitigate that with something called "object pooling". With object pooling, we simply have a pool of objects and we return them to the pool when we're done or have no use for them. This is extra work though, and most indie developers don't prioritize doing this, let alone even knowing it's something they can do.
This is why certain very critical executions in the game can be absolutely perilous to do. Even if you are capable of executing them properly 100% of the time, the game may simply decide it needs to take a break and garbage collect right before you turn around, hit that button, etc. Then it processes a long tick, and registers that you bumped into someone facing the wrong way, and now you're down another egg.
5.6 TODO the "drip"
5.7 collision
5.7.1 characters
In Unity, the CharacterController
is a component you add to a game object
that makes it really easy to control as a player. It's not "physics",
similar to how Mario has never jumped around with physics. Yeah, Mario is
influenced by a kind of gravity, but he's propelled by you holding the jump
button longer (meaning more "thrust" would be applied after he left the
ground), and steering in the air is possible in many platformers, but on the
scale any of us could jump is not possible, even if we could jump 10x higher
than we can now. So it's not physics. It's a weird kind of game physics and
the CharacterController
scratches this itch rather well. It has all kinds
of knobs to turn for things like gravity, max falling speed, air speed and
control, etc. It also is really nice because it knows how to move "around"
small obstacles - very small like a single stair step.
The CharacterController
uses a 3D capsule (pill shape) as its volume for
knowing when it's running into things. It works really well for most "human"
shaped things. If you need to, you can reduce the height to get something
closer to a sphere. Effectively, it's a tube with two hemispheres at the top
and bottom. This has interesting interaction with a rectangular volume
If you could draw the character controller over a character, this is what it would look like:

Cosmetic pieces will totally fall out of the bounding area, and that's okay.
This kind of approximation is totally fine for the kind of game KQ is, and a
majority of others as well. Keep in mind, this specifically for movement
and bumping into inert objects such as terrain. The CharacterController
itself is not a collider. We'll cover that more in another section.