For all of the flak Javascript gets, there is one thing it has above all of the “better” mainstream languages out there. I’m talking Java, C#, Python, Ruby (yeah you two are mainstream to me). Javascript has functions as first class objects. As a result, Javascript has been my gateway drug to functional programming.

Functional programming has a lot of interesting promises to it, but it’s been damn frustrating at times to learn. Everything is so damn generic that it’s hard to understand when it’s time to pull out certain patterns/functions/operations, at least as an outsider looking in. I’ve really stuck with it, and it feels like it’s gotten better over time. There’s still much for me to learn, but I feel like I’ve climbed over some humps.

Higher order functions help make FP code super generic

Quick intro to higher order functions: They are functions that accept functions as one or more parameters. map is a higher order function. When I first looked at FP code (Haskell and Javascript-functional-style is my most exposure at this point), I was always bothered by the variables such as x, y, and f. What the hell does x represent? Well it turns out there’s good reason for it, and it turns out Mark Seemann has documented this already. My experience matches his so far. When you take a function (call it f because it really could run an entire application), and pass it into your function, you just call it when the time is right. The function really could do anything. Calling it anything else just means you’re going to write duplicate functions later but with different names. Let’s call this wet code. Since this could really be anything, that makes for a really interesting property in relation to API calls.

API calls don’t happen in the depths of your application

I’m very much used to code that kind of does this:

Super generic high level app
    Framework layer
                    Super-specific API calls

Your structures may vary, but the theme is quite similar: you make calls to your API at the very end typically, and the entire application focuses down to this concentrated point where the tires hit the pavement.

In FP I have not found this to be true. It tends to be inverted. Take the awesome examples we see of FP all of the time that do nothing:

var list = [1, 2, 3];
var squareFn = function(x) { return x * x; };
var squaredList = map(squareFn, list);
console.log(squaredList); //[1, 4, 9]

Ok smart academic peeps, how do I talk to the database this way? How do I accomplish normal job-type stuff I have to do at my job all day? Well instead of squareFn, consider functions such as writeToDatabase, interrogateTheRebels, fireTheNukes, and makeMyBossThinkImDoingRealWorkInsteadOfReadingThisBlog. All of the sudden your code is authored in a way where you are manipulating data and converging on this final point where you call f. You don’t care what f is. It just needs to conform to a certain kind of signature.

But what if you don’t have the bigRedButton needed to fireTheNukes, or the DB connection required for writeToDatabase? This is where partial application or currying come in.

Partial application changes the interface of a function to make it easier to use

Ever noticed that most function signatures always end with a list in its parameters? This is because it makes it super easy to do partial application. What is partial application? Let’s do a manual version:

var add = function(x, y) {
    return x + y;

var add5 = function(y) {
    return add(5, y);

So let’s start by confessing you’d never really write this code for anything we could deem useful. That being said, notice that add and add5 have different signatures. add takes two parameters, whereas add5 only takes one. Why is this useful? Let’s take a look at map. map takes a function (let’s call it f) that takes one type of thing (we’ll all that type a) and returns another type of a thing (b). It also takes a list of the first type a. The final return value for map will be b. Haskell has a clever notation here for this:

(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

The way I remember this is the last thing is always the return value. Here we have the function that takes an a and returns a b. This is expressed as (a -> b). Anything in parens is a function. The next param is a list of a, expressed as [a]. Anything with square brackets is a list. Finally the return value is a list of b, expressed as [b].

What the hell does this have to do with add5? Let’s take a look at the signature for add:

a -> a -> a

Two things in, one new thing out. These things should be the same type of thing. Pretty simple, right? How about add5?

a -> a

This is interesting. add5 only takes a single parameter, and then returns another thing, but they are still of a uniform type. Tying this back to map, let’s look at the function it wants side by side with add5:

a -> b  // map's function
a -> a  // add5

Well there’s nothing in map that says a and b can’t be the same thing. It just states that a could be different than b. If we took map and substituted Integer for a and Integer for b, this is what we’d have:

(Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> [Integer]

Then we can compare our signatures again:

Integer -> Integer  // map's function
Integer -> Integer  // add5

They match! We can do some powerful things with this. A realy cool thing is we can take the partially applied add5 and pass it straight into map. Let’s do that using our first example:

var add = function(x, y) {
    return x + y;

var add5 = function(y) {
    return add(5, y);

var input = [1, 2, 3];
var output = map(add5, input);
console.log(output); // [6, 7, 8]

In this example, we took add5 and passed it straight into map. We didn’t need to write an inline function. We separated the act of mapping over a list with the actual transformation itself. What is easier to unit test? Which one is easier to think about?

var add5 = function(y) {
    return 5 + y;

// or

var input = [1, 2, 3];
var output = map(function(x) {
    return x + 5;
}, input);

Testing add5 by itself is way easier. We just supply it one argument which is a number, and make sure the result is a number that’s 5 more than what we supplied. Testing the other form requires us to supply a list. When we’re talking about non-trivial production code, this savings in your head adds up quickly. This is also means that any other time you need to do a normal add, it’s already done. You can partially apply other values if you need to.

In Javascript land, libraries such as Ramda make it super easy to partially apply. We could express add5 like this:

var add = function(x, y) {
    return x + y;

var add5 = R.partial(add, 5);

In pure functional languages, this is a first class language feature, so it gets even easier than above.

Remember how I mentioned we’d never actually write add5? Well let’s imagine a more complex function:

var executeSql(connection, sql, params) { ... };

executeSql needs a connection to a database, the SQL to execute, and a list of parameters to provide. A common usage might look like this:

var results = executeSql(connection, 'select * from users where firstname = ? and lastname = ?', ['Logan', 'Barnett']);

Well we’re going to use the same connection a lot, so we can partially apply that:

var executeSqlOnMainDb = R.partial(executeSql, connection);

It would be reasonable to also partially apply the SQL itself:

var findByFirstAndLastName = R.partial(executeSqlOnMainDb, 'select * from users where firstname = ? and lastname = ?');

At this point, we’re down to one parameter, a list of names (first and last). The cool thing is this is all composable. map is another thing we can borrow from Ramda, so I’ll sneak that in to flesh this example out.

var namesToFind =
  [ [ 'George', 'Jetson' ]
  , [ 'Jane', 'Jetson' ]
  , [ 'Cosmo', 'Spacely' ]

var executeSql(connection, sql, params) { ... };

var executeSqlOnMainDb = R.partial(executeSql, connection);

var findByFirstAndLastName = R.partial(executeSqlOnMainDb, 'select * from users where firstname = ? and lastname = ?');

var displayUser = function(userRecord) {
    return "Here's " + userRecord.firstname + ' ' + userRecord.lastname + '!';

var userRecords =, namesToFind);
var printableUsers =, userRecords);

// vanilla JS forEach
// Here's George Jetson!
// Here's Jane Jetson!
// Here's Cosmo Spacely!

I know that’s not how the Jetsons’ theme goes, but you get the idea. Being able to transform a function’s signature allows us to compose them to do other things. We can find a lot of reuse this way.

There’s so many patterns and concepts of Functional Programming and much of it I have yet to learn. That doesn’t even include Set and Category Theory - studies that predate much of computer science yet are very applicable today. There’s a lot of smart people out there talking about this. Practically any talk from Rich Hicky is philosophically mind blowing. Scott Walschin’s talk on functional programming design patterns has been a great way to make me understand functional programming in a practical sense I could apply to the real world. I hope to document more of these tidbits along the way. Hopefully people will experience fewer rewrites and brain pains that I did to find this stuff out.